Planning Commission
The Planning Commission reviews proposals for subdivision and land development and recommends a course of action to the Township Commissioners. The members are also responsible for creating a comprehensive plan to guide future development.
Members: Anthony Perrotto (Chairperson), Jonathan Johnson, Karen Mailen, Wally Valderrama, Matthew Reedy (Secretary), Gary Kotsch.
Meets: Second Monday of the month at 6:00 PM as needed at Annville Town Hall, 36 North Lancaster Street, Annville, PA 17003. Anyone having business for the Planning Commission should contact the Township Office, 36 North Lancaster Street, Annville, PA 17003 (717-867-4476) at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting date for that month.
Potential dates for 2025: Jan. 13, Feb. 10, Mar. 10, Apr. 14, May 12, Jun. 9, Jul. 14, Aug. 11, Sep. 8, Oct. 14, Nov. 10, Dec. 8.