Township Commissioners

The five member Board of Commissioners is elected at large by the Township voters. This board is responsible for the general governance of the Township with legislative, executive, and administrative powers to ensure sound fiscal management and secure the health, safety, and welfare of community residents.

Members: Thomas Embich, Nevin Hoover, Henri Lively (Vice President), Rex Moore (President), Anthony Perrotto.

Meets: First Tuesday of the month at 6:00 PM at Annville Town Hall, 36 North Lancaster Street, Annville, PA 17003* (exceptions noted below in bold).

Meeting Schedule for 2025: Jan. 7, Feb. 4, Mar. 4, Apr. 01, May 6, Jun. 3, Jul. 1, Aug. 5, Sep. 2, Oct. 7, Nov. 5, and Dec. 02.

* All monthly meetings of the Board will provide opportunity for public discussion of the Township’s MS4/stormwater management program.

** According to law, the first meeting in an even-numbered year must occur on the first Monday in January, unless this date is a legal holiday.

Minutes of the Board of Commissioners – Click Here